GaN Systems showcases smallest GaN fast charger at CES

2021-12-27 07:12:13 By : Ms. Lily Wang

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GaN Systems Inc of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada (a fabless developer of gallium nitride-based power switching semiconductors for power conversion and control applications) has unveiled that, at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES 2022) in Las Vegas (5-8 January), the following customer products are on show:

GaN Systems says that it has seen acceptance beyond consumer electronics into automotive, industrial, data center and renewable energy industries. In addition to unlocking the value of smaller, lighter, more efficient and lower-cost power electronics, GaN has become a vital component for reducing companies’ environmental impact, enabling them to create more energy-efficient power electronics that require fewer scarce resources and materials.

Faster charging in miniature sizes - Consumers are demanding more from their electronics, including smaller, sleeker, higher-efficiency and faster-charging devices for their laptops, smartphones and other devices. GaN delivers the fast-charging speeds in small, lightweight form factors that consumers want. GaN Systems is showing an array of 30-240W chargers from leading brands and others. On display is Greenworks’ vacuum cleaner that features multiple USB charging ports. Visitors to the booth can also get a preview of the world’s smallest 65W GaN fast charger.

Revolutionizing the audio experience - GaN is transforming audio, helping companies to launch better sounding, higher-performance, smaller and more eye-catching audio systems. In Class-D audio, GaN is on track to become the de-facto standard, says GaN Systems. In addition to the SyngCell Alpha wireless speaker, acknowledged for its immersive sound and innovative design, GaN Systems is showcasing Orchard Audio’s Starkrimson Stereo Ultra amplifier and all-in-one Starkrimson Streamer Ultra. The Streamer Ultra delivers sound quality and performance in a discreet package, performing the same functions that once required a rack full of components.

Powering the next generation EVs - Technical advances in electric vehicles (EVs) reduce costs and provide the increased driving range that consumers demand. GaN Systems continues to support automotive companies in their e-mobility journey by delivering lighter, smaller and significantly more efficient DC/DC converters, on-board chargers (OBC) and traction inverters. The overall increase in EV efficiency and decline in weight deliver an incremental 6% increase in driving range. GaN endorsement is accelerating across the EV platform, as shown by the recent announcements from GaN Systems with BMW, Vitesco Technologies and USI.

Imagining a world without wires - Wireless Power Transfer (WPT) technology is evolving, with innovations breaking through the barriers in spatial freedom, high power, high efficiency and high frequency, enabling a new generation of genuinely wireless ‘drop and connect’ applications. GaN Systems is highlighting how GaN is being embraced for wirelessly charging phones, drones, robots and various micro-mobility applications.

“The breadth of GaN-enabled products we’re showing at CES clearly demonstrates how much the consumer electronics and automotive industries have embraced our GaN transistors,” comments CEO Jim Witham.

GaN Systems is demonstrating the latest designs and products in power supply, wireless power, audio and automotive solutions at Tech East, Renaissance Hospitality Suites (next to the Las Vegas Convention Center).

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